Posted on May 14, 2024


Press Release from ENGAGE
Dated : 14 May 2024


ENGAGE is pleased to announce that Freedom Fund 2.0 is well on its way to achieve its target of raising RM292,000 to help Clare Rewcastle-Brown, Gerakbudaya and Vinlin Press. As of today 14 May 2024, five days after the fund was launched, we have raised RM151,462. Added to the RM128,000 already raised by Clare in the UK earlier, the total raised stands at RM279,462 or 66.5 percent of total needed. We still need another RM140,538 to cover the RM420,000 amount awarded to the Sultanah of Terengganu.

What is heartening is that 585 individuals responded to our “RM10 to say Thank You” campaign, with 407 people making contributions of RM50 or less. It shows that no amount is too small and everyone can do their part to show their solidarity with Clare and the two local businesses. Many Malaysians from all walks of life are grateful to Clare, a British journalist based in the UK, but has shown unwavering commitment to exposing corruption in Malaysia long before the 1MDB scandal erupted.

Let us press on to reach our target by informing our friends and family that we can give “RM10 to say Thank You” to Clare. She has done so much for our country, don’t let her carry this financial burden alone.

There are three ways you can contribute.

(1) Direct bank transfer to:
Name: Engage Citizen Network PLT
Bank : Public Bank Berhad
Number : 323 866 9514
Reference : Clare

(2) Donate via credit/debit cards, Grab and FPX through the Sokong platform by Malaysiakini at

(3) Scan our DuitNow QR code from ENGAGE’s Facebook page at

We encourage people who want to donate to verify the authenticity of this appeal as well as the bank account details by visiting Clare’s blog at, ENGAGE’s Facebook or Google search for news reports.

ENGAGE will provide regular updates on the status of the funds raised and any development related to Clare’s case on our Facebook page. Your solidarity with Clare, Gerakbudaya and Vinlin Press means a lot to them and to all those who dare to speak truth to power and exposes the corrupt. On their behalf, we say a big “Thank You!”.

Statement issued by:
Executive Committee of ENGAGE