Petition to the Agung to restore the judiciary to the rakyat

The petition, in Bahasa Malaysia, complete with the requisite language of protocol, appears immediately below.

The English translation of the substance of the petition, minus the language of protocol, appears after.

To-date, 5.036 Malaysians have signed the petition to register their concerns with His Majesty over the state of the judiciary.

If you wish to do the same, send your full name and ic number to

I will do the rest.


Rayuan rakyat kepada Duli Yang Maha Mulia Seri Paduka Baginda Yang DiPertuan Agung

Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah dan Maha Mengasihani, 

Menghadap ke majlis Seri Paduka Baginda, 

Alwathiqubillah Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin ibni Almarhum Sultan Mahmud Almuktafi Billah Shah, yang bersemayam di atas takhta Kerajaan Malaysia dengan penuh daulat dan kebesarannya serta didoakan senantiasa baginda berada dalam perlindungan Allah yang Mahakuasa dengan dianugerahkan bertambah-tambah lagi kemuliaan serta darjat jua adanya: Amiin Ya Rabbuljaliil. 

Ampun Tuanku, 

Patik merafak sembah memohon limpah perkenan Tuanku semoga mempersudikan menerima dan menimbangkan warkah rayuan yakni petition yang tak sepertinya ini yang dipersembahkan bagi pihak rakyat Tuanku yang peka terhadap kejadian dan keadaan masyarakat yang kian meruncing dan membimbangkan. Patik sekalian mengharapkan perkenan pertimbangan Tuanku yang penuh ihsan dan bijaksana jua demi memelihara dan mengekalkan kesejahteraan , kebajikan dan kebahagiaan rakyat yang taat setia kepada Tuanku. 

Ampun Tuanku, 

Berikut adalah tajuk dan rayuan yang amat tulus bagi perkenan tatapan Tuanku: 


Pada 19/9/2007 negara dikejutkan oleh satu lagi skandal, kali ini berupa satu klip video yang mendedahkan apa yang nampaknya seperti satu perbualan telefon di antara peguam kanan VK Lingam dan seorang lagi, yang dikatakan mengatur pelantikan hakim-hakim kanan yang ‘mesra’. 

Penelitian terhadap monolog tersebut jelas menunjukkan bahawa perbualan telefon tersebut ternyata adalah di antara VK Lingam dan Ketua Hakim Negara, Tun Ahmad Fairuz Sheikh Abdul Halim dan perbualan itu berkaitan perlantikan dan kenaikan pangkat para hakim. Beberapa hakim yang lain turut dinamakan dalam perbualan tersebut. 

Sejurus selepas klip video tersebut didedahkan, Tun Ahmad Fairuz mengatakan bahawa dia hanya akan membuat kenyataan setelah melihat klip tersebut, tetapi respon yang diterima selepas itu berbentuk kenyataan ‘no comment’ dan itu pun setelah satu jangkawaktu yang lama melalui pihak ketiga yang sebenarnya tidak menafikan perbualan tersebut. Ini menimbulkan satu perasaan di kalangan rakyat bahawa Tun Ahmad Fairuz tidak menjawab persoalan ini dengan tulus ikhlas. 

Skandal ini kini menimbulkan kesangsian yang mendalam terhadap kesesuaian Tun Ahmad Fairuz untuk mengetuai badan kehakiman, dan kesesuaian pelantikan serta kenaikan pangkat beberapa Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi, Mahkamah Rayuan and Mahkamah Persekutuan yang telah dibuat berdasarkan cadangan dan syor asal daripada Tun Ahmad Fairuz. 

Patik serta rakyat negara ini, kini langsung tidak mempunyai sebarang keyakinan terhadap badan kehakiman. 

Patik sekalian berserta ramai jua rakyat negara ini telah lama sedar bahawa sepanjang Tun Ahmad Fairuz memegang  jawatannya, beberapa orang Hakim yang berpangkat lebih rendah telah dinaikkan pangkat sementara beberapa orang Hakim yang lebih kanan sering diketepikan dalam proses kenaikan pangkat. 

Patik serta rakyat negara ini juga mendapat tahu, melalui berita blog tidak rasmi, bahawa  Duli-duli Yang Maha Mulia dalam Persidangan Majlis Raja-raja telah pun menolak dua pencalonan yang dibuat oleh Tun Fairuz bagi jawatan Presiden Mahkamah Rayuan dan Ketua Hakim Malaya walaupun jawatan-jawatan tersebut telah lama kosong. Khabar angin mengatakan bahawa nama-nama yang dicalonkan Tun Fairuz itu berpangkat rendah berbanding dengan Hakim-hakim lain yang telah lama berkhidmat. 

Patik serta rakyat negara ini, juga mendapat tahu melalui laporan akhbar bahawa terdapat  sekurang-kurangnya seorang Hakim, yang telah dinaikkan pangkat sebagai Hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan, yang telah gagal menyediakan keputusan mahkamah secara bertulis bagi sekurang-kurangnya 35 kes. Ini mengakibatkan banyak kes-kes rayuan yang difailkan oleh tahanan dan banduan yang telah disabitkan kesalahan dan dipenjarakan tidak dapat diadili atau diulangbicara seterusnya. 

Skandal terbaru ini juga menimbulkan keprihatinan yang serius terhadap penukaran yang telah dibuat secara mendadak terhadap Hakim yang mendengar perbicaraan satu kes bunuh yang masih berjalan di Shah Alam. 

Patik serta sebahagian rakyat negara ini, juga amat bimbang terhadap keputusan Mahkamah berkenaan beberapa kes berprofil tinggi dan samada keputusan-keputusan ini telah ‘diatur’ oleh Tun Ahmad Fairuz, dan jika benar ianya telah berlaku, apakah implikasinya terhadap Hakim-hakim lain di Mahkamah-mahkamah Tinggi khasnya. 

Tindak-balas Perdana Menteri, beberapa ahli Kabinet yang lain serta Peguam Negara terhadap isu klip video ini langsung tidak memberikan patik sekalian sebagai rakyat Malaysia, keyakinan bahawa skandal ini akan disiasat dengan adil dan telus sehinggakan mungkin kita tidak akan tahu apa yang sebenarnya berlaku. 

Patik sekalian jua tidak percaya bahawa Perdana Menteri dan Kabinetnya benar-benar berpegang kepada usaha untuk menyiasat skandal ini, dan andainya dibuktikan sahih, samada mereka akan mengambil segala langkah yang patut dan perlu untuk mengembalikan badan kehakiman kepada statusnya sebagai institusi perlembagaan yang didirikan untuk mempertahankan secara bebas Perlembagaan, hak rakyat dan juga menegakkan sistem undang-undang. 

Timbalan Perdana Menteri kita telah mengumumkan pada 26/9/2007 bahawa satu Panel yang terdiri dari 3 orang akan menyiasat skandal ini, yang mana ketua Panel tersebut terlibat dalam pemecatan Tun Salleh Abas pada tahun 1988. Ini hanya mengukuhkan pendapat patik sekalian bahawa Kerajaan Malaysia ingin memastikan bahawa hal sebenar berkenaan skandal ini langsung tidak akan diketahui. 

Patik-patik sebagai rakyat Malaysia, amat bimbang sekiranya penyiasatan skandal ini dibiarkan disiasat oleh pentadbiran Perdana Menteri, pihak Polis atau pun Badan Pencegah Rasuah, maka rakyat kelak akan hanya menyaksikan satu lagi penutupan kes di mana rakyat tidak akan ada jalan untuk menuntut keadilan dan akan sentiasa curiga samaada badan kehakiman akan melindungi rakyat atau pun kepentingan beberapa pihak tertentu sahaja. 

Skandal terbaharu ini menimbulkan kebimbangan samaada penyelewengan yang selama ini begitu berleluasa pada peringkat pentadbiran negara ini kini telah menyusur masuk ke dalam bidang kehakiman. 

Atas sebab-sebab yang diperihalkan di paragraph-paragraf sebelum ini, patik bagi pihak sejumlah dari rakyat Malaysia, menyembahkan rayuan ini ke majlis Seri Paduka Baginda Tuanku agar Tuanku berkenan apalah kiranya menggunakan segala kuasa yang terletak hak pada Tuanku untuk:

1.                 Menitahkan pembentukan sebuah Suruhanjaya Penyiasat di bawah Akta Suruhanjaya Penyiasat (Commission of Enquiry Act) 1950, untuk menyiasat, mempertimbangkan dan/atau menentukan samaada perbualan di dalam klip video tersebut benar-benar berlaku di antara VK Lingam dan Tun Ahmad Fairuz dan kesahihan kenyataan-kenyataan yang dibuat oleh VK Lingam di dalam klip video tersebut. Sekiranya terbukti benar berlaku, Suruhanjaya tersebut diberikan mandat tambahan untuk menyiasat, mempertimbangkan dan/atau menentukan:

1.1.           penglibatan setiap individu yang dinamakan di dalam klip video tersebut berkenaan perlantikan dan kenaikan pangkat para Hakim;

1.2    kes-kes yang melibatkan VK Lingam yang telah dibicarakan di hadapan Tun Ahmad Fairuz dan/atau mana-  mana Hakim lain yang dinamakan di dalam klip video tersebut;

1.3    segala tindakan yang dilaksanakan oleh Tun Ahmad Fairuz sepanjang jawatannya sebagai Ketua Hakim Malaya, Presiden Mahkamah Rayuan dan Ketua Hakim Negara, khususnya

1.3.1 dasar perlantikan dan/atau kenaikan pangkat para Hakim oleh Tun Ahmad Fairuz terutamanya hakim-hakim yang dinamakan di dalam klip tersebut;

1.3.2  cara bagaimana ahli-ahli panel Mahkamah Rayuan dan Mahkamah Persekutuan telah dipilih oleh Tun Ahmad Fairuz sepanjang jawatannya sebagai Presiden Presiden Mahkamah Rayuan dan Ketua Hakim Negara; dan 

1.3.3  cara bagaimana fail-fail diagihkan kepada panel-panel Mahkamah Rayuan dan Mahkamah Persekutuan oleh Tun Ahmad Fairuz sepanjang jawatannya sebagai Presiden Presiden Mahkamah Rayuan dan Ketua Hakim Negara.

2.      Menitahkan agar Suruhanjaya Penyiasat, setelah menentukan samaada perbualan di dalam klip video tersebut benar-benar berlaku di antara VK Lingam dan Tun Ahmad Fairuz dan menentukan kesahihan kenyataan-kenyataan yang dibuat oleh VK Lingam di dalam klip video tersebut terbukti benar, untuk:

2.1     mengarahkan Perdana Menteri mengambil segala langkah-langkah yang patut dan perlu untuk melantik satu Tribunal di bawah Artikel 125 Perlembagaan Persekutuan untuk memecat Tun Ahmad Fairuz dan/atau mana-mana Hakim yang didapati Suruhanjaya sebagai terlibat, samaada secara langsung atau tidak langsung, di dalam salah laku Tun Ahmad Fairuz; dan

2.2     mengarahkan Perdana Menteri mengambil segala langkah-langkah yang patut dan perlu untuk menggantung Tun Ahmad Fairuz dan/atau mana-mana Hakim yang didapati Suruhanjaya sebagai terlibat, samaada secara langsung atau tidak langsung, di dalam salah laku Tun Ahmad Fairuz, sementara menunggu rujukan kepada dan/atau laporan Tribunal tersebut.

3.      Menitahkan penubuhan segera satu Suruhanjaya bebas bagi perlantikan dan kenaikan pangkat Hakim-hakim Mahkamah Tinggi, Mahkamah Rayuan and Mahkamah Persekutuan.

Akhirul-kalam, patik sekali lagi merafak sembah  memohon berbanyak kemaafan  sekiranya rayuan atawa petition yang tak sepertinya ini menyentuh kalbu Tuanku secara yang tidak menyenangkan, lantaran berlakunya ucapan atawa tulisan bahasa yang terkasar atawa sebarang adab-sopan yang tercacat. Namun yakinilah Tuanku bahawa yang demikian itu bukan disengajakan dan maksud patik hanyalah untuk merayu kepada Tuanku untuk mencampuri urusan yang diperihalkan dalam warkatul-ikhlas ini memandangkan kesemua pintu telah tertutup dan segala laluan untuk menyelesaikan masalah telah terputus.

Sekian tamatnya sembah patik. 

Ampun Tuanku dan Daulat Tuanku! 

Patik Yang Taat Setia,


The People’s Appeal To His Majesty The Yang DiPertuan Agung

On 19/9/2007, the nation was rocked by another scandal, this time in the form of a video clip which exposed what appears to be a telephone conversation between senior lawyer VK Lingam and another person, allegedly fixing the appointment of ‘friendly’ senior judges. 

A careful study of the monologue presented in the video clip leaves a very clear impression that the telephone conversation is indeed between VK Lingam and the present CJ, Tun Ahmad Fairuz Sheikh Abdul Halim and relates to the appointment and promotion of judges. Other judges are also named in the course of the conversation.  

That Tun Ahmad Fairuz had, subsequent to the release of the video clip, first responded that he would need to first view the video clip before saying anything, then issuing a ‘no comment’ response and only lately and that too through a third party making a bare denial of being a party to the conversation leaves us, the rakyat with a sense that Tun Ahmad Fairuz has not responded with complete candour on this matter. 

This scandal now casts serious doubts on the suitability of Tun Ahmad Fairuz to head the judiciary as well as on the propriety of the appointments and promotions, made on the recommendation of Tun Ahmad Fairuz, of several judges of the High Courts, the Court of Appeal and the Federal Court. 

We, the rakyat, no longer have any confidence whatsoever in the judiciary.  

We, the rakyat have noted for some time that some very senior judges have been constantly overlooked in the numerous promotion exercises that have proceeded during the tenure of Tun Ahmad Fairuz, with junior judges being preferred. 

We the rakyat have also noted that it was recently reported that Their Royal Highnesses acting through the Conference of Rulers rejected two nominations by Tun Fairuz for the position of President of the Court of Appeal and the Chief Judge of Malaya although these positions had been vacant for a long time. It is rumoured that those nominated by Tun Fairuz were junior in comparison with many other more senior serving judges. 

We, the rakyat, have further noted that there is at least one judge promoted to the Federal Court who, it is reported, has failed to deliver written judgments in up to as many as 35 cases, with the result that appeals by many who have been convicted of offences and are in prison are unable to have their appeals heard. 

This most recent scandal also raises again real concerns about the sudden change of the trial judge in an ongoing murder trial in Shah Alam. 

We, the rakyat, are also gravely concerned about the recent decisions in several high-profile cases and whether these were ‘fixed’ by Tun Ahmad Fairuz and, if so, the implications it has in relation to the other judges of our superior courts. 

The reaction of the Prime Minister, other members of his cabinet and the Attorney-General to the matter of this video clip give us, the rakyat, no reason at all to believe that this scandal will be honestly investigated so that the truth of the matter will never be known.  

We, the rakyat, do not believe that the Prime Minister and his present government are committed to getting to the bottom of this scandal and, if ascertained to be the truth, to take all necessary steps to restore the judiciary as a constitutional institution emplaced to  independently defend the constitution, the rights of the rakyat, and to uphold the rule of law.  

In this regard, the announcement on 25/9/2007 by the Deputy Prime Minister of a 3-man panel to be headed by one who was implicated in the sacking of Tun Salleh Abas in 1988 to now investigate this scandal fortifies our belief that the present government is determined that the truth in relation to this scandal never becomes known. 

We, the rakyat, are gravely concerned that if this scandal is left to be investigated by the administration of the Prime Minister, the police or the Anti-Corruption Agency, the rakyat will only witness another cover-up, leaving us, the rakyat without any recourse to justice, ever suspicious whether the judiciary is to protect the rakyat or the interests of a chosen few. 

This most recent scandal raises concerns whether the corruption that has become so prevalent in the management of this country has now also made its way into the judiciary. 

For these many reasons, we, the rakyat, now pray that Your Majesty may be so moved and in the exercise of the full powers conferred on Your Majesty to :- 

  1. direct the establishment of a Royal Commission to inquire into, consider and/or determine whether in fact the conversation reflected in the said video clip did occur between VK Lingam and Tun Ahmad Fairuz and the veracity of the assertions made by VK Lingam in the said video clip and, if found to be so, that the Commission be further mandated to enquire into, consider and/or determine:-

            1.1              the involvement of all those named in the said video clip in connection with the appointment and promotion of judges; 

1.2              cases in which VK Lingam was involved and which were heard and / or decided by Tun Ahmad Fairuz and / or any of the other judges named in the said video clip;

1.3              all acts carried out by Tun Ahmad Fairuz during his tenure as Chief Judge of Malaya, President of the Court of Appeal and Chief Justice, more particularly:-

  • the basis of the appointment and / or promotion of judges by Tun Ahmad Fairuz with particular emphasis on the other judges named in the said video clip;
  • the manner in which the members of the panels of the Court of Appeal and the Federal Court were selected by Tun Ahmad Fairuz during his tenure as President of the Court of Appeal and Chief Justice; and
  • the manner in which files were allocated to the panels of the Court of Appeal and the Federal Court by Tun Ahmad  Fairuz during his tenure as President of the Court of Appeal and Chief Justice. 

2.  the Royal Commission having ascertained that the conversation reflected in the said video did occur between VK Lingam and Tun   Ahmad Fairuz and assertions made by VK Lingam in the said video clip to be true, to :-

  • direct the Prime Minister to take all necessary steps to appoint a tribunal under Article 125 of the Federal Constitution to remove Tun Ahmad Fairuz and/or any and all judges found by the Commission to have been implicated, directly or otherwise by the acts of misconduct of Tun Ahmad Fairuz; and

  •  direct the Prime Minister to take all necessary steps to suspend Tun Ahmad Fairuz and/or any and all judges found by the Commission to have been implicated, directly or otherwise by the acts of misconduct of Tun Ahmad Fairuz, pending the reference to and/or report of the tribunal. 

3. direct the immediate establishment of an independent Commission for the appointment and promotion of judges to the High Courts, the Court of Appeal and the Federal Court.

28 Responses “Petition to the Agung to restore the judiciary to the rakyat” →

  1. Peter Tan

    October 26, 2007

    Signed to supports


  2. Voon Yuen Woh

    October 27, 2007

    Signed in support

  3. Signed in to support. Glad the numbers pulled through for you.

  4. Signed, as promised to you in Pg last Sat night.

    Thanks. See you in the e-group that will be set up pretty soon.

  5. If this nomination is agreed to by His Majesty, we are well on the Road to Abilene…………..ala Jerry Harvey!

  6. We will join you

  7. 100% Support


  8. will not care

    February 26, 2008

    loving the effort. we malaysians need to wake up.

  9. Fully 100% support.


  10. govinda

    May 8, 2008

    yes fully support


  11. bluefire

    May 9, 2008

    Thank you. This is an excellent document. I do hope and pray very hard that the family court judges be changed and that the custody of children no longer becomes contestable. I pray that children who are given by God to both parents continue to remain accessible to both parents at all times.


  12. Kangaroo

    June 9, 2008

    Agree 100%. We ought to knock some daylight to those moonlighting in chambers counting on their knightship, promotions and self interests. And to Bluefire, very sorry u are being tormented by the Family Court. This is where you find the Delinquents, Divorcees, Vampires, Draculas and there are “Along” waiting to finance your case too.. We out to throw em all and replace em like dirty linen. All dirty savages believe you me.


  13. bluefire

    June 26, 2008

    I hope someone can give me a reply. I am aware that there are major problems with the judiciary. Why then are we still going to court to face these judges instead of asking that the judiciary be changed? Why then are we griping about the judiciary, when we can’t stop going to court? I know the courts must exist but if the judiciary is tainted, is not every judgement considered a miscarriage of justice?

    Here is where I ask our dear lawyers to consider whether these judges whom you face daily deserve the respect given to them or should our dear lawyers just stop going to court? Does it then become a moral decision or an economic decision?


    Last year, twice I urged my fellow lawyers to boycott the courts.

    No takers


    • chee soo lim

      August 27, 2012

      Surely not all judges are tainted . It would be a travesty of justice if boycott the good ones .


  14. ali mohd

    July 16, 2008




  16. saripah ahmad

    November 21, 2009

    100% support


  17. hamid ibrahim

    December 29, 2009

    Dear Brother Harris Ibrahim

    I hope you have read the book by former judge NH CHAN
    ‘how to judge the judges’ It is a very good book –
    I hope rakyat, the lawyers, judges and law students
    read this book.

    This is a first book of this type and exposes the
    errant and crooked judges in our midst. They should
    should be dismissed.

    I am sure as a lawyer you do visit the courts and
    the judges in action. I hear that some unfit judges
    to perform their duties sitting in the august office.
    It is surprising how they get in there. There are a
    number of judges – just misfit and useless as judges.

    They occupy the places once occupied, Tun Suffian,
    Tun Salleh Abas, Yusoffe Abdul Quadir NH Chan and
    Justice Aidid.

    Only persons with merit must be appointed to the
    Judges = there are number currently who do not
    merit the seat they occupy.

    Pray for our JUDICIARY.


    Revert to the Original Judicial Commission
    in 1957.

    After Retirement, judges should write books
    with their experience and expose what is happening
    in the Judiciary.

  18. A newbie in law went to court and was shocked that the judge did not appear to know the law.
    He kind of asked the lawyer, “Can that be done?” instead of being in a position of knowledge and wisdom.
    That is why justice in Malaysia SUCKS!

    HJ Angus,

    In the adversarial system of justice that we practise here, the judge is presumed to be lex ignoramus ( ignorant of the law ) and adjudicates on a set of facts, applying such law as counsels in attendance guide him or her.

    Thus, when a judge decides a matter having not taken account of an applicable principle of law, such a decision is said to have been arrived at per incuriam, blame for the same generally resting on the shoulders of counsel in attendance.

    I have often appeared before a judge who candidly admitted that he needed especial guidance on the particular area of the law. I can tell you that on those instances, i and my learned opponent at the Bar were grateful for this candour and humility, and the willingness to be guided on the law.

    I’d rather an intellectually weak, yet totally honest judge, any day, thank you very much.


  19. Sharing

    May 21, 2010

    The Malaysian system is having Judge for all kind of cases. Therefore, professionalism by area can hardly be expected from those judges.

    The worst points are a lot of Judges do not even follows the HC Rules. They do not even given a fair mind to all parties so concerned. Especially when in Chamber, the Judge is the one dropping down the notes.

    These are what I had experienced:
    1. Judge allowed party to drag even direction for preparing trial had been announced long time ago.
    2. Judge allow lawyer to be discharged even lawyer bully clients with mislead or concealing of points. Failed to advise on proper filing of BOD. And,even allow the lawyer to discharge with false statement or false allegation of the client.
    3. Judges allowed lawyer not to attend any dates for the case. Although understand that the lawyer had not done the job and even assaulted the client and had dismissed his willingness to act for the Client. The Judges refused to press the Lawyer for an application of discharge.
    4. The court called up the client to come to trial with 2-3 days ahead without telling the client the court is moving or which court is handling.
    5. The Chief of High Court silent to complaints. The chief of Justice office told the client that the case was settled.


    Justice can hardly be found in this system.

  20. we all support you..malaysian will support you..even young and old people of malaysian will support you..we need change!!stop bully us! =D smile for better future


  21. stanleyteoh

    December 9, 2011

    It is a waste of time and effort. If the judges themselves are too afraid, unwilling, corrupted,are UMNO cronies, has scandles,has dirty secrets, the Judiciary will remain under the control of UMNO ( not BN ). Not even the agung can do anything about it. We need FEARLESS, CLEAN, HONEST GOD-FEARING JUDGES to bring back the glory to our judiciary !



    April 7, 2012

    As I grow older, I find a lesser need for a Monarchy in any society.
    Except for enriching a culture with antiquated pomp & pageantry, monarchies in general serve no relevant purpose in our present times & age.
    Monarchies ….. proof me wrong.
    Do something, to show me your relevance to society now.
    Malaysia needs royal intervention in ‘quite’ a few cases.


  23. shakuntala

    April 9, 2012

    Haris, as usual so brave and encouraging, how right to include and pay attention to Tun Salleh Abbas’s sacking.

    Gosh, with such a sullied and sordid history behind the Judiciary of this country, how can we so rightly and loudly display the Malaysian flag and say that we are proud to be Malaysian………shame, shame!.

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    […] Petition to the Agung to restore the judiciary to the rakyat « The …Beberapa hakim yang lain turut dinamakan dalam perbualan tersebut. Sejurus ….. Signed in support. Reply. chansey · October 31, 2007. Signed in to support. […]

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