Citizen Think T@nk Launched

Posted on July 22, 2007



Speculation is rife that the general elections may be called at any time.

Are we ready to make that all- important decision of who we are going to instal in the next Parliament?

Do we know enough of the present Parliamentarians?

How have they fared?

Have they lived up to expectations?

Should we give them another term in Parliament?

How do we even begin to look for the answers to these questions?


Citizen Think Tank was officially launched yesterday.

I have been asked to and agreed to serve as a moderator in this initiative.

I am honoured to be part of this effort.

In my view, there have been very few civil society initiatives such as this that will allow for the participation and involvement of as many citizens who care enough to get involved in this citizen-empowerment exercise.

This initiative has tremendous potential to enable each of us to go to the ballot box next time round fully informed and thereby casting our vote intelligently.

The potential of this initiative, however, can only be realised if you are prepared to give a little bit of your time.

Please check out the website and get involved.