Bangsa Malaysia Merdeka Get-together : The Real Thing

Posted on August 26, 2007



A little after 9 yesterday morning, I sent out the following sms to the organising team : ‘Rise and shine. It is the dawning of a new day’.

I almost immediately got this response from Tony : ‘Am already at the Blog House. He He He!

I got to the Blog House about a half hour later to find him seated on the floor, looking dreary-eyed, getting the CDs that were given away last night ready. 

Although he denied it, I still suspect he had worked alone through the night.


Big Guy, we could not have done it without you.

We also could not have done it without the 67 who attended the forum and the 150 who made the get-together.

Thank you all so, so, much.

You made the efforts of the entire organising team worthwhile.

For those who could not make it, you’ll have another chance.

Yes, we have had firm commitments to take this fellowship of like-minded anak Bangsa Malaysia to Penang, Ipoh and Johore Bharu.

And this morning someone contacted me to say that Kota Kinabalu is a distinct possibility.

Look out for forthcoming announcements in this and other blogs about Majlis Mesra PELITAR.

I’ll tell you about PELITAR shortly.

First, photos from yesterday.


Registration. Big Dog came, man!


Bernard & Zaid, the first and second speakers.


The rest of the speakers.


The forum participants.


Jeff & Co helping Rocky enact Usman Awang’s genius.


Our future.




& more fellowship.


Tony and more of the future generation leading us in


the reaffirmation of the Rukunegara to bring the get-together to a close.

You can get a sense of the evening from postings by Aishah, RockyBig Dog and June-E.

Update : You can also get other views on the get-together at Bangmalaysia, Nuraina, YB Jeff Ooi, Walski, SK Thew, Melvin Mah, Euphoria in Misery, Rajahram, Nocturnal Mind and Howsy

We launched the ‘Project Irrelevant’ yesterday. Will tell you more of this in the coming days.

Also promised all present last night to send them an invite to join an anak Bangsa Malaysia e-group. The list of attendees is being tidied up, after which invites will be sent out to get into the PELITAR e-group.

Okay, about PELITAR.

How about you just read about this at the PELITAR blog. This is temporary whilst waiting for the more tech-savvy bloggers to get to work.

Off to get some sleep. Once we’ve summarised the views shared at the forum, will post it up.

From all of us at the Blog house last night, thank you SK, Mob, June-E and Cheryl for the slide presentation. 

Oh, before I forget, yes it happened again last night.

Love, respect and tenderness was planted.

Let’s nurture it, people. 

Posted in: Bangsa Malaysia