And the first Anugerah BIADAP goes to ….

Posted on February 28, 2008



Pak Lah!

How fitting!

Pak Lah inspired Barisan Insan Awasi Drama Ahli Parlimen (BIADAP).  In the BIADAP post, I had said :

Thank you, Pak Lah, for inspiring this initiative. Appears your term in office has not been a complete waste of my time. A new category, Biadap, has been created in this blog. After today, and particularly in the run-up to the next elections, this blog will carry posts to give appropriate attention to the theatrics of our politicians who will be on their rounds grovelling for our votes.

In Malaysiakini’s report yesterday entitled ‘PM : Opposition jealous of BN’ ( pm_-opposition-jealous-of-bn.pdf ), Pak Lah is reported to have lamented that BN has fallen victim to the opposition’s divide and rule tactics!

“They (opposition) make up various stories so that we are suspicious of each other which leads to chaos, quarrels and eventually we become weak,”

“The opposition parties hope that by making up these stories they can influence the people to support them when BN is divided,”

Wow! BN the victims of divide and rule, at the hands of the opposition!

Pak Lah, my heart bleeds for you.

Posted in: Biadap