An open invitation to the chimps of Malay sovereignty

Posted on May 5, 2008


I’ve not posted anything of my own the last week or so for a couple of reasons.

Two Sundays ago, whilst at a PJ Selatan meeting at the Cobra Club, PJ, my notebook got nicked.

The same one that was bought for me last year by friends who felt my pain at losing my notebook last July when my car was broken into.

That made postings here difficult until the replacement notebook was up and running and fully functional. Thanks Tony.

To whoever nicked my notebook, a few of my friends and I are meeting again this coming Sunday at Cobra. If you happen to be reading this, why don’t you come along, bring along both your parents and we’ll get them both finally married.

The real reason, though, for the absence of any posts, was that I have been struggling to map out the direction I want to take in my activism post 8th March.

And my thoughts have kept going back to the much unfinished work that some of us started last year with the Anak Bangsa Malaysia initiative.

Today, I say thank you to the Council of Malay Solidarity for helping me shape that direction.

The report in the NST online today entitled ‘Council to champion Malay sovereignty’ underscores the urgency with which civil society must start to move with any and all efforts to arrest and neutralise this and all other race supremacist agendas, regardless of who the initiators are.

According to the report, 200 Malay NGOs, now under this new umbrella called Council for Malay Solidarity, have come together to further the Malay rights in the light of what they perceive to be as challenges to ‘Kedaulatan Melayu’ or ‘Malay sovereignty’.

I give this group at least the credit for not trying to disguise their racist agenda as a cause to champion Islam, unlike ABIM and their ilk.

I thought their proffered reason for coming together in this endeavour was worth a million laughs!

According to Gapena president Tan Sri Ismail Hussein, ‘ the council was necessary as he claimed that Malay-based political parties were too busy running the country to concentrate exclusively on Malay issues’.

Excuse me, Tan Sri!

Were you in fact referring to the Malay-based political party that has been too busy running this country to the ground? Too busy running off with the rakyat’s wealth?

If so, you mean UMNO, ya?

But really, aren’t you the frontmen for either UMNO Team A, Team B or Team C? Yes, all 200 of you?

Last count there were only 3 corners in the fight within UMNO , right?

Or have more splinter groups emerged?

And you ‘Malay intellectuals’ are against multi-lingualism, multiculturalism and religious pluralism because your stand is that Malaysia’s existence is founded on the principle of Kedaulatan Melayu?

Is that right, Tan Sri?

If so, it fortifies my belief that UMNO is beyond redemption, unable to rid itself of the entrenched culture of cronyism and corruption, so archaic in its feudalistic thinking, trapped in its own perceived self-importance and out of touch with the people.

UMNO is beyond reform!

Yes, Gerakan and the others within the BN coalition should give serious consideration to Keng Yaik’s recent suggestion to forge their own coalition based on non racial considerations.

Don’t wait for UMNO. It will never happen.

Sorry, Tan Sri, I digress.

Ok, here’s the deal, Tan Sri.

You see, my friends and I are all anak Bangsa Malaysia.

And we don’t buy into this race supremacist thing that you and your friends are espousing.

By the way, did you know that the Holy Prophet also did not buy into this race supremacist crap?

Anyway, my friends and I are planning roadshows throughout the country to share with our fellow anak-anak Bangsa Malaysia our ideal of a nation of a single people.

As you can see, our aspiration is probably the very thing that you Malay intellectuals are opposed to.

So how about you Malay intellectuals naming the time, date and place where perhaps my friends and I could come engage you guys in a public debate on the rights and wrongs of our respective aspirations?

I could suggest a few interesting titles for our debate.

“Is racism an act of apostasy from Islam?”

“Are concepts of ‘ketuanan Melayu’ and ‘kedaulatan Malayu’ mere smokescreens to enable the rich Malays to rob from the poor Malays?”

“Where has UMNO stashed away the riches plundered in the name of ‘membasmikan kemiskinan Melayu’?”

Give me a bit more time and I think my friends and I should be able to come up with a few more suggestions.

And just to make sure this open invite reaches you, I’ll send a letter to Gapena soon to extend this invite.

Alternatively, I could let you know when we will start our roadshows and perhaps you would like to come along to one of these. Being intellectuals, I’m sure we can count on you to behave most appropriately and not resort to gangster antics just to silence us.

You are, after all, intellectuals, no?

Posted in: Bangsa Malaysia