Pandamaran Anti-ISA rally & the Klang Declaration

Posted on October 5, 2008


Reminder : RPK’s sedition trial starts tomorrow, 9am at the PJ Sessions Court. Please come and show support for this man who has selflessly stood up to champion truth and justice and the rights of every anak Bangsa Malaysia.

Please be there well before 9am and be part of the crowd that greets RPK as he is brought to court.

For directions to the court, go HERE.


We the people of Klang gathered at the ‘Sambutan Hari Raya Dengan Mangsa dan Keluarga ISA’ on 3rd October 2008, hereby resolve and demand that:

The BN government release Raja Petra Kamaruddin, Hindraf Five and all detainees immediately;

The BN Government repeal the Internal Security Act 1960 in the next session of parliament… – excerpt from the Klang Declaration.

Read the Declaration in full in English, BM, or Mandarin by clicking on and enlarging the thumbnails below.








I got to the Sports Complex where the event was held so late that I missed out on the opportunity to share a meal with the more than 1,000 people who had gathered there that night.

Whilst the organisers had assembled many speakers for the evening, I don’t think that the was anything new that could be told to the audience about the ISA that they did not already know.

And you could gauge from the responses of the very appreciative audience the mood and the sentiment of the people.

Free all the ISA detainees.

Abolish the ISA.

No more BN.

People power.

Marina Lee, N. Surendran, Ismail Arsat

From L-R : Marina Lee, N. Surendran, Ismail Arsat

Khalid Samad, Ronnie Liu, Charles Santiago

From L-R : Khalid Samad, Ronnie Liu, Charles Santiago

Nasir Hashim, Dr Xavier Jayakumar, Khalid Samad

From L-R: Nasir Hashim, Dr Xavier Jayakumar, Khalid Samad


Will BN release RPK, Hindraf 5 and the other detainees?

I’d love to wake up tomorrow to news that they’ve all been released, but sadly, I don’t think that’s going to happen.

Heard last night that at the PWTC open house, Jean Abdullah, in response to a plea from the wife of one of the Hindraf 5 detainees for their release, had said, ‘Very soon’.

There’s also been talk that some of the Hindraf 5 may be released. Another divide and rule!

And given that these are critical moments for Najib, I can’t see him being in any great hurry to see RPK writing freely again!

And even if all 64 detainees are released tomorrow, BN has made it clear that they will not abolish the ISA.

We’ve only one option in the short term if we are to see our brothers in detention released soon.

Pakatan Rakyat must take over federal governance as soon as possible.

And we must hold Pakatan to its promise to free all ISA detainees and repeal the ISA, along with all other reforms that they have promised us, culminating in the earliest possible fresh general elections.

Posted in: People Power