I no understanding you. I no speaking Inglis.

Posted on October 9, 2008


Years ago, when the late Ghafar Baba was Dr M’s deputy, he represented the country to a UN General Assembly meet in New York.

A joke started to make its rounds about how Ghafar ordered his breakfast one morning in New York during that meet.

Don’t know if there’s any truth to it, but it’s such a funny story, so I’ll share it with you.

Ghafar wanted toast with butter and jam. Just like the roti bakar with mentega and kaya that we get from our kopitiam here.

This is what he’s supposed to have told the waiter.

‘I want you burn the bread, but don’t burn too much, ok. Put the butter upstairs and the jam downstairs’, or something like that.

Malaysiakini’s report today of the ever-increasing list of aspirants for the No.2 position in UMNO reminded me of this story.

You know why, lah!

Posted in: Digressions