Barisan Rakyat’s campaign to deliver Kuala Terengganu to Pakatan Rakyat : SMS campaign

Posted on January 4, 2009




Another update with one more new Chinese sms :

This is from dear sanjiun :


which translates as :

Rakyat hates BN race-based politics, against lying media, oppose politic contamination of main stream media. PLease vote for Pakatan Rakyat and Boikot main stream media. Makkal Sakti. Please forward to your friends in KT.


Update with Chinese translations of sms’s :

From Michelle in NZ :

The no to BN race-based politics sms :

人民反对巫统/国阵的种族政治。巫统/国阵的种族政治会破坏人民的团结。不要被巫统/国阵的种族政治欺骗 。人民联盟的政治将团结人民。人民同心同意保存我们热爱的国家。在17/1/2009,请投票回教党/ 人民联盟。人民万岁。 请转发给在瓜拉丁加努的朋友们。

The lying MSM sms :

主流媒体为让回教党在瓜拉丁加努失败,将欺骗人民及利用计谋创作虚假的新闻-好让人民对回教党和人民联盟起疑心。让我们抵制!不要购买报纸 。别相信电台/电视的新闻。请转发给在瓜拉丁加努的朋友们。


From gnoe :

The no to BN race-based politics sms :

人民拒绝国阵/巫统的种族政治,种族政治将摧毁人民团结。别被国阵/巫统的种族政治蒙蔽。民联将团结人民,上下一心拯救爱国。请您于 17/1/2009 投民联/回教党一票。人民力量万岁。请转寄予您瓜登朋友

The lying MSM sms :



Surich, I think, has attempted to merge the two sms’s into one to help save costs :


Get to work, people. We have a constituency to win and a country to take back.

We can.


Tomorrow, about 20 Barisan Rakyat campaigners, bloggers and non-bloggers, will make their way up to Kuala Terengganu to set up camp and an operations centre before the real work of working the ground to do our part in trying to wrest Kuala Terengganu from BN and deliver the same to Pakatan Rakyat.


That number is expected to grow to about 40 as polling day draws near.

Those who cannot make the journey, but would like to be a part of this historical effort by the rakyat, here’s how.

We start our Barisan Rakyat sms campaign today.

First we want to alert the people of Kuala Terengganu that we, the rakyat have rejected the race-based politics of BN. We want them to know that we, a nation of a single people, anak Bangsa Malaysia, have rejected BN and its race-based divide and rule politics and have embraced the ‘ketuanan rakyat’ slogan of Pakatan Rakyat.

Here is the first sms.

Rakyat menolak politik kaum UMNO / BN. Politik kaum UMNO / BN hancurkan perpaduan rakyat. Jangan diperdayakan dengan politik kaum UMNO / BN. Politik Pakatan Rakyat menyatukan rakyat. Rakyat sehati sejiwa menyelamatkan negara yang dicintai. Undilah PAS / Pakatan Rakyat  pada 17/1/2009. Hidup rakyat. Sebar kpd kwn2 di K.T.

Next, we are going to wage war with the lying mainstream media who will be telling all sorts of lies in the next two weeks to try and portray Pakatan as falling apart and who will try to scare the non-Muslim voters in KT with talk of PAS and its hudud / Islamic state aspiration. Whilst those of us who will be in KT will try to do what we can to neutralise this spin-doctoring by the MSM, again our outreach will not be able to match a full-blown sms campaign to alert the people of KT to the lies that will be spread through the MSM.

Here is the ‘boycott the MSM’ sms.

Media massa arus p’dana akan m’perdayakan rkyt & m’cari helah utk gagalkan PAS di KT dgn berita palsu – utk menanam rasa syak wasangka terhadap PAS & Pakatan. Jom boikot! Jgn beli s/kabar. Jgn p’caya berita radio/TV. Sebarkan kpd kwn2 di KT.

Could anyone please translate these 2 sms’s into Chinese / Tamil and send it in to me as a comment so that I can then put it up here, please?

Send these sms’s out to everyone you know in Terengganu. Even if you do not know anyone in Terengganu, send them out to those whom you know with a request that they forward it to those whom they know. That way, there’s every likelihood that it will ultimately get to the good folk of Kuala Terengganu in due course. And keep sending the sms’s out again and again in the run-up to polling day on 17th January.

More to come. folks.

Posted in: People Power