N34 Bukit Gasing candidate debate update : Rajiv has declined

Posted on April 23, 2013


many-colours-one-dream75040_10152115835286758_955624824_nI met Rajiv of the DAP, his wife and Edward Ling, of his campaign team, if not the team manager.

We discussed the proposed debate.

And Rajiv promised to revert to me today if he would participate.

Edward sms’d me earlier this afternoon to apologise that Rajiv would be unable to participate in the debate and thanked the organisers for the offer.

Simon and Mak have agreed to make themselves available.

I have spoken to Victor and we have decided to proceed with the debate with the two independent candidates to give those voters interested a chance to get to know them.

This, though, provided we are able to secure a hall for Saturday afternoon.

Will keep you updated.