Back in Sydney now and home tomorrow

Posted on November 2, 2013




Drove into Sydney from Melbourne yesterday with John and Mishelle and got in late evening.

28th, spoke at the Australian National University.

Speaking in Canberra

Speaking in Canberra

Belinda Cranston has written up a report of that talk.

Had an excellent discussion with some young Malaysians after the talk.

There is hope, yet, for our nation.

It rests with the youth.

30th, spoke in Melbourne at a talk organised by SABM – Melbourne.

Addressing the folk in Melbourne

Addressing the folk in Melbourne

31st, interviewed by Jim Middleton of the ABC.

In the ABC studio with Jim Middleton

In the ABC studio with Jim Middleton

You can catch that interview HERE.

Then later that day, had an excellent brainstorm with like-minded Malaysians on how to work together to see a better Malaysia for the 40% marginalised and impoverished back home.

Today, 2pm local time, I speak in Sydney.

The earlier two talks have been video-recorded. Today’s will be, too.

Once edited by the ABU media team, they will be published.

Home tomorrow.

Yes, for better or for worse, Malaysia is home.