If a snap general election was called next week…

Posted on July 25, 2008


…would we see a repeat of the tsunami of 8308, or would BN get its 2/3 majority in Parliament?

…would Pakatan Rakyat win enough seats in Parliament to form the next government?

…knowing all that you know now since the 12th GE, would you trust and vote for PAS?

…knowing all that you know now since the 12th GE, would you vote for BN?

…would the fuel price increase, the VK Lingam RCI report, the PI Bala SD fiasco, the DSAI sodomy allegation, and the ‘who killed Altantuya’ question have a bearing on your vote, and if so, how?

…would the mainstream media report differently from how it did before the 12th GE?

Posted in: People Power