Posted on November 9, 2020


Jayanath Appudurai

There is a circus in town and it promises to deliver all kind of scintillating entertainment.

It’s been in town for some decades now.

The cast is pretty big!

A total of 292 (222 “Main” and 70 “Sokong”) to be exact.

The usual hierarchy is found – the Lord of the Ring, Deputy Lords of the Ring, Ring Masters and Deputies, Trapeze Artistes, Acrobats, Tightrope Walkers, Musicians, Dancers, Unicyclists; and last but not least, the Clowns.

As this is a hugely talented and very experienced cast the roles are inter-changeable. The clowns can take on the role of the Lord and vice versa! This is of course due to their long years of practice and they have perfected the art of “entertaining the People” at any given time, even when not asked to!

Some ‘retired’ ones are also known to have returned to perform!

This comes with a cost, of course!    

The “ 222 Members” of the “Main” cast are paid a Minimum Wage of RM 16,000 per month. The “70 Members” of the “Sokong” cast are paid a Minimum Wage of RM 11,000 per month.  This amounts to RM 4.32 million per annum.

The Top Management of the cast is paid additional wages depending on the respective roles but not necessarily ‘onerous’ duties and responsibilities. The table below provides the basic (known) information of this stellar cast.

RANKNumberWage (RM Monthly)
Lord of the Ring [LORD]122,800
Deputy LORDs418,100
Ring Masters [RM]2714,900
Deputy RMs3710,047
Assistant RMs327,100
MC of “Main” Ring (MCMR)131,000
Deputy MCMR122,000
MC of “Sokong” Ring (MCSR)131,000
Deputy MCSR               122,000

The Total Annual Wage bill is estimated to be RM 17.88 Million.

All other perks and ‘hardship’ allowances are not included in the said estimate.

Suffice to say this amount is more than “pocket money” as can be verified at the link below:-


Your decide if this “Circus” is worth investing?

Before you do so bear in mind that this sterling cast is also entitled to a one-time gratuity payment and pension for life!

The “Member” who retires at the lowest rung of the acrobatic ladder is still entitled to a monthly pension, so long as he or she has dutifully performed for a minimum of 36 months! Yes, that’s right – a long and dedicated service of 3 years deserves a minimum pension of RM 4000 per month. Those with longer illustrious service periods are entitled to a maximum pension of RM 9600 per month. For 2020, a grand sum of RM 95,144,800 has been allocated for pension payments!

Presumably, some members that were ‘cast-out’ in an unexpected ‘merger & acquisition’ coup in February 2020 would be collecting their hard-earned monthly pension?

It has been rumoured that some members of the cast are entitled to “multiple” pensions depending on the number of “ranked roles” they were called upon to perform from time to time, and sometimes for long decades. However, this could not be verified as it is a well-guarded ‘dedak’ by the faceless tiger-keepers under the Big Top!

Are you prepared to pay the hefty price to keep this Circus Company going about its merry ways?

Would you even consider it a worthwhile investment?


1.  http://www.agc.gov.my/agcportal/uploads/files/Publications/LOM/EN/Act%20237(1).pdf

2.  Anggaran Perbelanjaan Persekutuan 2020;page 50.