Return the judiciary to the rakyat

Posted on September 22, 2007


The VK Lingam video clip reveals the depths of degradation into which our judiciary has sunk.

Make no mistake, though. The rot set in a long time ago.

Well before Fairuz’s time.

Because we did not have the courage to stand up to Dr M, Abu Talib and Hamid Omar.

Yes, the rot set in round about 1987-1988.

The Salleh Abas sacking was the start.

And it has been downhill ever since. 

Do not make the mistake of imagining that there is only one rotten apple in the judicial basket.   

And do not be mistaken into thinking that the judiciary might be restored merely by removing the rogue judge exposed in the video clip. 

Nothing short of a purge will do. 

Every single cancerous cell that now eats away at the integrity of our judicial system must be removed.

Pak Lah’s government does not have what it takes to set things right.

This task falls on us, the citizens.

There are two immediate initiatives you can help with.

First, on 26/9/2007, at 11.00 a.m., lawyers will march from the Palace of Justice to the PM’s office in Putrajaya to submit a memorandum to the cabinet calling for the setting up of a Royal Commission to investigate the rot that has set into the judiciary since 1988.

All members of civil society, NGOs and NGIs are welcome to join the lawyers on the steps leading up to the Palace of Justice and to then proceed to the PM’s office.

5 buses have been chartered to ferry lawyers and those interested to join in the march from KL to Putrajaya. The buses will leave the Bar secretariat at 9.00 a.m. 

This is the first thing you can do.

Join the march.

You would be walking the talk that you so often do.

Secondly, The People’s Parliament will be launching a petition to His Majesty the Yang Dipertuan Agung to urge His Royal Highness to take all steps to clean up the judiciary and to return this constitutional institution back to the rakyat.

It is hoped that this petition will be submitted to His Majesty together with the petition presently being managed by RPK. 

This petition is your petition. I will draft it and launch it on your behalf.

I will therefore let you have a say as to its contents.

From now until 10 p.m. tomorrow, you may send your suggestions as to the matters relating to the judiciary that you wish to have brought to the attention of His Majesty to

Please keep your suggestions to no more than 50 words.

Please also understand that I do not undertake to take on board each and every suggestion sent in.

I will try to have the petition up and ready for adoption on the morning of the march, on 26/9/2007.

The success or otherwise of the march and the petition is in your hands.

As is the restoration of the judiciary back to the rakyat.