‘Boycott the Newspapers’ T-shirts



Front view


Rear view

Available sizes are S, M, L, XL and XXL. 

Price : RM15.00 each

Delivery : Registered post

For postal delivery within Peninsular Malaysia, please add another RM2.50 per T-shirt to the purchase price of RM15.00 each to enable us to deliver the same by registered post.

Payment of the purchase price and the postal charges should be made to the following CIMB Account.

Account Holder : Haris Fathillah bin Mohd Ibrahim

Account No.  1456-0001231-52-5

After you have deposited the requisite sum into the above account, please e-mail a scanned copy of the deposit slip to thepeoplesparliament.boycott@gmail.com together with the size requirements, your name and the address to which the T-shirt(s) should be posted to. Alternatively, you may fax the copy of the deposit slip and your order details to 09-2227332.

If you have any inquiries please call Shar at the hartalmsmhotline at 012-2484794.

9 Responses “‘Boycott the Newspapers’ T-shirts” →
  1. Tuan Lawyer Haris Ibrahim,

    Saya punya rumah ada bertimbun itu ‘sulaaaat kaba lamaaaa”…

    saya tak tau mau jual ka atau mau bakar ka…
    itu orang tempat recyle cakap…sulaaat kaba lamaaa dia angkat 1 kg = 20 sen.

    Saya ingat itu ‘sulaaaat kaba laamaaaa” memang itu dia punya nilai. Itu toilet tissue lagi mahal dia punya harga!

    wassalam. peace.

  2. Can you make a nice sexy tank top and baby T, sizes S and M- it will be a cult hit and fashion statement.


    No copyright on the design. Go for it.

  3. baru ingat nk beli..aiya..ade copyright plak…:(


  4. jonni

    May 1, 2009


  5. Why can’t we play videos in youtube that are not shown in our mainstream TVs and newspapers. This would be more interesting & eye-catching than giving ceramah which tend to talk more irrelevant nonsense than create awareness what is really happen to our country. What we need here is something that can “touch” the general public rather than some petty issues. In fact, I stay in KL yet demonstrations in Puchong etc are not made known and after watching YouTube, it enlightened me. Frankly speaking, we don’t trust politicians regardless of their political ideology. We just want to know the all the truth nothing but the truth and we will not get that from politicking.

    2. Why is our PR buletin selling like a “bullet-in” ? They are ridiculously over price. Instead of having need to get the copy from the runners as well as having to access to so many blogspots just to get updated on REAL HAPPENING in our country, can pay for a monthly or yearly subscription to get these news right into our doorstep thro’ email ? In fact, how frequent do we bump into these runners ? This would create fixed income and promote paperless environment.


  6. La Man

    May 29, 2012

    should have added: No Lices, No Flies


  7. SUBRA

    May 10, 2013

    i have suggestion to print t’shirt ” BN– BANGLA NASIONAL”

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